Erin Lensing

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Erin Lensing is a New York based oboist and educator. She has performed with a diverse range of ensembles including the Charleston Symphony, Spoleto Festival USA, Ensemble Signal, Ensemble Mise-En, Bang on a Can Festival, Double Entendre Music Ensemble, and as a sub on Broadway. Erin has worked closely with and/or premiered works by composers including Hans Abrahamsen, Helmut Lachenmann, Maija Hynninen, David Clay Mettens, among others, and is currently working with composer, Jihye Lee, and pianist, Ada Jeon, on a new work for oboe and piano. Erin has also performed with the Eastman Wind Ensemble, Lone Star Wind Orchestra, and can be heard on numerous recordings with the North Texas Wind Symphony on the GIA Windworks label and the “Teaching Music through Performance in Band” series.

Erin maintained a teaching studio in the Dallas-Fort Worth area of students of all ages, and taught oboe to undergraduates from the University of Rochester as a Graduate Teaching Assistant at the Eastman School of Music. Erin teaches oboe and piano in New York City. Erin received her BM in Performance from the University of North Texas in 2013, and her MM in Performance and Literature with an Arts Leadership Certificate at the Eastman School of Music in 2015. Her principal teachers include Richard Killmer, James Ryon, and Charles Veazey.