GLEB KANASEVICH is a clarinetist, composer, and multifaceted experimental musician. As of July, 2022, he is a permanent member of internationally touring ensemble Hub New Music. He also works often as a soloist and collaborates with composers, other chamber music groups, improvisers, noise musicians, death metal bands, and many more types of artists. In 2020, he founded a small independent label Unknown Tapes, dedicated to showcasing work by artists whose work deals with spontaneous music making regardless of genre. In 2023, Unknown Tapes also developed an archival component, digitizing and sharing seemingly forgotten or lost local musical treasures.

As a composer and producer, for almost a decade he primarily worked with feedback and modified instruments and exploring expressive possibilities in very simple electronic processing. He now investigates aspects of coping with loss and displacement through treasuring one's most treasured memories, feelings, and other artefacts. His blackened noise album Asleep (Unknown Tapes) and the immersive 45-minute Subtraction (Flag Day Recordings) came out to critical acclaim in 2019. Most recently, he was commissioned by Ensemble Intercontemporain, Callithumpian Consort, Ah Young Hong, No Exit New Music Ensemble, and Composers Conference (for their 80th anniversary commissioning project).

From 2013 to 2023, he has been a core member of Ensemble Cantata Profana – a group based in New York City. After four years of co-directing Cantata Profana with Jacob Ashworth, he was named Acting Artistic Director in July, 2022 for the ensemble's last season. From 2016 until Spring, 2019, Kanasevich also worked as a curator/video maker for the online new music database and audio/video/score resource ScoreFollower/Incipitsify.