Leah Batstone

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Leah Batstone is a musicologist at Hunter College, CUNY. Her research concerns the intersections of music and social and political change, with focus on fin-de-siècle Austria and 20th-century Ukraine. Her doctoral dissertation on Gustav Mahler and Friedrich Nietzsche was completed at McGill University (2019). Her research has been supported by a Fulbright-Mach fellowship (Vienna), the Taras Shevchenko Foundation (Canada) and by the Center for the Humanities at the Graduate Center, CUNY. She has presented at several international conferences including the American Musicological Society annual conference, both the International Biennial and North American Nineteenth-Century Music Conferences, and the 2019 symposium “Between Kyiv and Vienna”, hosted at the Institut der Menschliches Wissenschaft (Vienna). She serves on the editorial board of Artistic Culture. Topical Issues, the journal of the Modern Art Research Institute of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine (Kyiv).