Olena Martynyuk


Olena Martynyuk is an art historian and, currently, a Petro Jacyk Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Ukrainian Studies at The Harriman Institute of Columbia University. She graduated with a Ph.D. in art history from Rutgers University (New Brunswick, USA) in January 2018 and also holds MA in Cultural Studies from the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (Kyiv, Ukraine). 

Previously she was a recipient of the Louise Bevier Dissertation Fellowship, Andrew Mellon Summer Research Award and Fulbright Fellowship. She has taught art history classes at Rutgers University and CUNY College of Staten Island, and curated exhibitions at the Zimmerli Art Museum, The Ukrainian Museum, and the Ukrainian Institute of America in NYC. Her most recent show of Kyiv perestroika art will open at the Zimmerli Art Museum in spring of 2020.