
SERHII ZAZHYTKO was born in 1962 in Chernihyv. In 1983, he graduated from the M.V. Lysenko Kyiv special music school and in 1990 he graduated with a degree in composition from the P.I. Tchaikovsky National Music Academy, a student of Yevhen Stankovych's class. From 1990 to 1994 Zazhytko worked as a music editor for the “Musical Ukraine” publishing house. Since 1994 has worked as an executive secretary of the Kyiv Organization of the National Union of Composers of Ukraine. He is a Laureate of the All-Ukrainian Competition of Young Composers (1st prize), winner of the Golden Fortune Prize, and winner of the Boris Lyatoshinsky prize. He works in the various genres of academic as well as popular and rock music and his creativity has a pronounced experimental character. Paradox, the combination of different cultural and stylistic paradigms, the incorporation of theatrical elements, and the use of parody are inherent to his works.