
SVYATOSLAV KRUTYKOV (b.1944) was born in Tbilisi to a musical family. He began studying at the Tbilisi Music School before moving to Kyiv in 1951. In 1961 Krutykov entered the Kyiv Conservatory Pedagogical Faculty but transferred to the Composition Faculty in order to study music and theory in more depth. Given his interest in modern music, Krutykov met much resistance by the Soviet institution and withdrew from his educational program. His teacher in the Composition Faculty, Boris Liatoshynsky, passed away before Krutykov could return to his studies.

Thanks to the assistance of V. Godziatsky, Krutykov had the opportunity to compose the music to the TV film The Kyiv Watercolours, which started his career as a film composer. He has written music for several films, including the feature film A Blind Rain by V. Gres, as well as three animations for children. Almost all of his works received international awards.

Krutykov composes chamber music, symphonic music, solo music, and vocal music. His experimentation with electro-acoustics was inspired by his work in cinematography. A number of these electro-acoustic works are written according to Krutykov’s own compositional technique called “nouveau-concrete.”

Krutykov is a member of both the composers’ and cinematographers’ creative unions.