Composer’s Roundtable

Sunday, March 1 | The Ukrainian Museum of New York


Ludmila Yurina will introduce this roundtable with a short history of approaches to the education of contemporary composers in Ukraine. This will serve as the starting point for a discussion Ukraine’s contemporary music with Anna Korsun, Svyatoslav Lunyovand legendary Ukrainian composer, Leonid Hrabovsky, moderated by Yurina.

A concert of their music alongside works by their peers and students will follow.

*Due to unforeseen problems, Svyatoslav Lunyov was not able to attend the festival.



Ludmila Yurina, Silicon Interferences

Maxim Kolomiiets, Vinyl Snails

Daniil Hetman, And with its Feet Cuts through the Path it Follows

Serhiy Pilyutikov, Quintet

Ivan Nebesnyy, 7 Messages from Wild Nature

Leonid Hrabovsky, Trio for Violin, Bass and Piano


Anna Korsun, Wehmut

Volodymyr Runchak, Fingerprints on Strings, Keys, and Valves

Svyatoslav Lunyov, Zehn Stücke

Performed by Leah Asher, Julia Biber, Alexander Chaplinsky, Lindsey Eckenroth, Carrie Frey, Whitney George, Jennifer Gliere, Tristan Kasten-Krause, Gleb Kanasevich, Iryna Kit, Erin Lensing, Ari Livne, Susanna Loewy, Joanna Mieleszko, Joshua Miller, Adrianne Munden-Dixon, Helen Newby, Heather O’Donovan, Tessa Pettit, Allison Phillips, Emma Reber, Margarita Rovenskaya, and the NYU Contemporary Music Ensemble conducted by Jonathan Hass.

Join us after the concert for a small reception at the museum.


Ukrainian Museum

222 East 6th Street

New York, NY 10003


The festival is open to the public and will be conducted in English.